Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Piercing Regular Salt Sea Salt Sternum Piercing Help?

Sternum Piercing Help? - piercing regular salt sea salt

I've had my sternum piercing for about a week and a half. I went to a store where I have several times and never had any problems. This is my first surface piercing, I wanted for so long. I cleanse twice a day by the absorption of salt. There is some redness, but no serious migration or rejection, two holes. The only thing I found is natural that you can actually see the outlines of the bar through my skin, almost as if the bar is not deep enough. The jewels are a regular bar, so this is not the problem. It is as if the skin almost to bend and stretch, though sometimes, when I went to bed, a kind of unease. It began to occur about 5 days. Who had the breastbone or surface piercing, I could use some advice. Thanks

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