Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Free First Time Audition Where Can I Find Free Legit Audition Notices?

Where can I find free legit audition notices? - free first time audition

For movies and television shows.


oncamera... said...

They can be found at:


There is also information about photos, letters, agents, etc.


newyorkg... said...

If you live in a city where TV and movies are recorded / filmed, you should be able to hear an ad legitimate location. (ie, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Houston)

If not, you can not find it here auditon, both films and movies are not registered and / or included in your city.

Almost all cities in the United States, newspapers have been hearing where movies are filmed in your area.

You live in a city in which to record the film, television and recorded on video or audition. New York, Dallas.

Join the community theater in his hometown, where you can meet other players. You can show you how to find the audience for local news.

The largest U.S. cities have ads for hearings with the City of New York and Los Angeles, with the majority. Subscribe to acting classes, where you can talk to other students about the information heard.

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